What are the complete and simple subjects in the sentence " Mrs.Marcus told the class about Valentine's Day."

The complete and the simple subject are: Mrs. Marcus.

Mrs. Marcus

To identify the complete and simple subjects in the sentence "Mrs. Marcus told the class about Valentine's Day," we need to understand the basic parts of a sentence.

The subject is the part of the sentence that typically refers to the person or thing performing the action or being described. It tells us what or who the sentence is about.

The complete subject consists of all the words that make up the subject of the sentence. In this case, it is "Mrs. Marcus."

The simple subject is the main noun or pronoun within the complete subject. In this case, it is "Mrs. Marcus."

To break it down step by step:

Sentence: "Mrs. Marcus told the class about Valentine's Day."

1. Identify the verb: The action being performed in the sentence is "told."
2. Identify the subject: The doer of the action is "Mrs. Marcus."
3. Determine the complete subject: The complete subject is "Mrs. Marcus."
4. Identify the simple subject: The simple subject is "Mrs. Marcus."

So, in the sentence "Mrs. Marcus told the class about Valentine's Day," the complete subject is "Mrs. Marcus," and the simple subject is also "Mrs. Marcus."