why do you think jackson favored and benefited from the democratic expansion /that took place in the 1820's and 1830's

Well, that doesn't help because you don't get to decide whether you think that or not; you are told that you must think that, then the question demands why. I don't think this is an actual opinion question, seeing as you don't get a personal opinion in the matter. It is more of a question to determine why you should reach the conclusion you are told you must reach. Thus, Ms. Sue, tell us what background information is needed to deduce said conclusion.

"I think Jackson favored and benefited from the democratic expansion that took place in the 1820s and 1830s because Jackson's support came from the popular vote and the democratic expansion allowed a shift that allowed electors to be selected by popular vote of each state. Thus, Jackson gained all of his power in the election from the people, who liked him and wanted him as president."

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This question asks what YOU think.

We'll be glad to check YOUR answer.

To understand why Andrew Jackson favored and benefited from the democratic expansion in the 1820s and 1830s, we need to look at the context of the time and some key factors.

1. Rise of Universal White Male Suffrage: During this period, many states were expanding the right to vote to all white males, regardless of their wealth or property ownership. This change increased the number of eligible voters significantly, which was beneficial to Jackson. He was able to appeal to a broader base of voters who felt empowered by the expansion of democratic participation.

2. Populist Appeal: Jackson's political career was characterized by his support for the common man against the elite establishments. He positioned himself as a champion of the people and criticized what he perceived as corruption and the concentration of power in the government. The democratic expansion provided a platform for Jackson to build a populist movement by rallying the disenchanted and marginalized citizens.

3. Political Reforms: Jackson embraced democratic principles that aimed to decentralize power and increase popular participation. This included challenging the authority of the National Bank, which he believed benefited the wealthy at the expense of the average citizen. He also implemented patronage, replacing government officials with his loyal supporters, thereby reinforcing his influence within the government structure.

4. Impact of the "Age of Common Man": The 1820s and 1830s were often referred to as the "Age of Common Man" because of the significant social and economic changes occurring in the United States. This was a time of westward expansion, industrialization, and increased access to education and economic opportunities. Jackson's democratic expansion aligned with the growing egalitarian spirit of the time, and people saw him as a representative of their aspirations for upward mobility and increased political influence.

In summary, Andrew Jackson favored and benefited from the democratic expansion in the 1820s and 1830s because it aligned with his populist appeal, reinforced his political reforms, and tapped into the changing social and economic dynamics of the era.