What is the answer to the puzzle time 1.5 that starts with did you hear about?

Hey ghetto


-4 1.2 +1 3.10

To solve the puzzle, "did you hear about? time 1.5", we need to understand the phrase "time 1.5" in the context of the puzzle. This could refer to different things, such as a specific event or a mathematical operation.

Since the phrase appears to be related to time and a numerical value is provided (1.5), it is likely referring to a time calculation. One possible interpretation is that the puzzle is asking for a time that is 1.5 times longer or 1.5 times shorter than something specific.

To find the answer, we would need additional information or context about what the puzzle is referring to. Unfortunately, without more information, it is not possible to provide a specific answer to this puzzle.

We don't know. But you'll find the answer after you correctly solve your math problems.