Which bug experienced the greatest accelera-

1. Their acceleration is same.
2. Unable to determine.
3. the VW
4. the insect

To determine which bug experienced the greatest acceleration, we need more information. Acceleration is defined as the rate of change of velocity. Without specific data such as initial and final velocities or time taken to change velocity, it is difficult to determine the bug with the greatest acceleration.

However, if we assume that the bug options (VW and insect) have experienced the same force or conditions, we can compare their acceleration based on their size and physiology. In general, insects have a much smaller body mass compared to VW cars, so they typically have the ability to achieve higher accelerations compared to larger objects.

Therefore, if we are comparing an average insect to a VW car, it is more likely that the insect would have experienced a greater acceleration due to its smaller size and lower mass. However, it is important to note that this is a general assumption and actual measurements would be needed for a more accurate comparison.