How many m3 are there in 3.0475x10^5 cL, expressed to 3 significant figures?

To convert from centiliters (cL) to cubic meters (m^3), we need to use the conversion factor that relates the two units.

The conversion factor is:
1 m^3 = 100,000 cL

To convert 3.0475 x 10^5 cL to cubic meters, we need to divide the value by the conversion factor:

3.0475 x 10^5 cL ÷ 100,000 cL/m^3 = 3.0475 m^3

Now, to express the answer to 3 significant figures, we need to round the result. The rule for rounding to 3 significant figures is as follows:

If the digit to the right of the last significant figure is 5 or greater, the last significant figure is increased by 1. If the digit is less than 5, the last significant figure remains as it is.

In this case, the digit to the right of the last significant figure (7) is greater than 5, so the last significant figure (4) needs to be increased by 1. Therefore, the final answer, expressed to 3 significant figures, is:

3.05 m^3