How would I simplify this?

Explain please!!!



First do the multiplication.

14x + 14 + 9 - 54x

Then combine like terms.

-40x + 23

Thank you!

You're welcome. I hope you can do the next problem like this. :-)

To simplify the expression 7(2x+2)-9(-1+6x), you'll need to apply the distributive property and then combine like terms if possible.

First, distribute the 7 to every term inside the parentheses and distribute the -9 to each term inside the other set of parentheses:

7 * 2x + 7 * 2 - 9 * -1 + 9 * 6x

This simplifies to:

14x + 14 + 9 + 54x

Next, combine the like terms together:

14x + 54x + 14 + 9

Now, add the coefficients of the like terms:

(14x + 54x) + (14 + 9)

68x + 23

Therefore, the simplified form of the expression 7(2x+2)-9(-1+6x) is 68x + 23.