How do you post links on here? I tried to post one, but it didn't let me.

What you can do is something like this:

http :// nytimes {dot} com / education

In order to keep our forum safe for everyone, only a few of us regulars are permitted to post links.

Ohhhhh, okay. Thank you both. :)

To post links in a text-based format like this, you typically need to follow certain formatting rules depending on the platform you're using. Here are a few common methods:

1. Plain Text: If you're unable to directly post clickable links, you can simply type out the full URL in the text. For example, typing "" will be displayed as ""

2. Markdown: If the platform supports Markdown formatting, you can enclose the link in square brackets followed by the full URL in parentheses. For example, [Example]( will be displayed as Example.

3. HTML: Some platforms accept HTML formatting. In this case, you can use the anchor tag to create a link. Enclose the link text in opening and closing anchor tags, like this: <a href="">Example</a>.

4. Button or hyperlink feature: If the platform provides specific tools for adding links, look for a button or an option to insert a hyperlink. This functionality may vary depending on the platform or text editor you're using.

Remember to double-check if the platform you're using has any specific guidelines or limitations for posting links.