please can you help me with six sentences with the collocations below:

1-out of breath
2-out of this world
3-dry clothes
4-sleep heavily
5-turn cold
6-a dry sense of humour

I'll give you a sentence for the first one. Then you try the rest, and someone here will let you know if you're on the right track.

1. After running around the track as fast as he could, he was out of breath.

is i a noun?

When asking a different question, you should use Post a New Question instead of piggy-backing on someone else's post.

The word "I" is a pronoun.

Sure! Here are six sentences using the given collocations along with explanations:

1. After running a marathon, I was completely out of breath and had to sit down to catch my breath. Explanation: To be "out of breath" means to have difficulty breathing because of physical exertion.

2. The food at that new restaurant was absolutely out of this world! Explanation: Something that is "out of this world" is exceptionally good or amazing.

3. After getting caught in the rain, I had to change into dry clothes to avoid catching a cold. Explanation: "Dry clothes" refers to clothing that is not damp or wet.

4. I was so exhausted from all the studying that I slept heavily and didn't wake up until noon. Explanation: "Sleep heavily" means to sleep deeply and soundly.

5. As the temperature dropped, I could feel the air turn cold, and I zipped up my jacket for warmth. Explanation: When the weather gets colder, we can say that the temperature "turns cold".

6. Even in serious situations, Sarah always manages to find humor with her dry sense of humor. Explanation: A "dry sense of humor" refers to a style of humor that is subtle, understated, and often sarcastic.

I hope these examples help! Let me know if you have any more questions.