What is the verb, the subject, the predicate nominatives, and direct object in the folling sentence

1.In September of 1739, David Brainerd entered Yale College.

2. Yale was a good school for young preachers.

3. After four months of school, Mr. Brainerd caught the measles.

4. The sick student received care at his home.

5. His recovery brought joy to his concerned friends.

6. Upon returning to college, the young man was a diligent student.

7. The rules at Yale College were strict rules.

8. In his third year, Mr, Brainerd broke a rule.

9. The authorities dismissed the young man from the school.

10. Sadly, David left Yale College.

11. Later, David Brainerd asked forgiveness for his offense

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Here is the first sentence; then you do the rest and let us know what you decide.

1.In September of 1739, David Brainerd entered Yale College.
subject = David Brainerd
verb = entered
direct object = Yale College

1. Verb: entered

Subject: David Brainerd
Predicate Nominative: none
Direct Object: Yale College

2. Verb: was
Subject: Yale
Predicate Nominative: a good school for young preachers
Direct Object: none

3. Verb: caught
Subject: Mr. Brainerd
Predicate Nominative: none
Direct Object: the measles

4. Verb: received
Subject: The sick student
Predicate Nominative: none
Direct Object: care

5. Verb: brought
Subject: His recovery
Predicate Nominative: joy
Direct Object: none

6. Verb: was
Subject: The young man
Predicate Nominative: a diligent student
Direct Object: none

7. Verb: were
Subject: The rules at Yale College
Predicate Nominative: strict rules
Direct Object: none

8. Verb: broke
Subject: Mr. Brainerd
Predicate Nominative: none
Direct Object: a rule

9. Verb: dismissed
Subject: The authorities
Predicate Nominative: none
Direct Object: the young man

10. Verb: left
Subject: David
Predicate Nominative: none
Direct Object: Yale College

11. Verb: asked
Subject: David Brainerd
Predicate Nominative: forgiveness
Direct Object: none