Kamman VanMarko Plumbing equipment sales Commission rate: 9 1/2% Annual pay: $17,496 Month's sales: $2,460 What is the monthly pay?

$1,691.70 $1,458

17,496 / 12 = ?

2,460 * 0.095 = ?

Add those two together.

To calculate the monthly pay, you need to multiply the commission rate by the monthly sales.

First, let's convert the commission rate from a mixed number to a decimal. 9 1/2% is equivalent to 9.5/100, which is equal to 0.095 as a decimal.

Next, multiply the monthly sales of $2,460 by the commission rate of 0.095:

Monthly pay = $2,460 x 0.095
Monthly pay = $233.70

The question asks for the monthly pay, but the given information states the annual pay, which is $17,496. To convert the annual pay to monthly pay, divide the annual pay by 12:

Monthly pay = $17,496 / 12
Monthly pay = $1,458

Therefore, the correct answer is $1,458.