A direct result of the three-fifths compromise was:

the political power of the South was greatly increased since they were apportioned more representatives.
*northerners paid more taxes than southerners.
three-fifths of the population in the South was allowed to own slaves.
the states undervalued their property so that they could decrease their taxes.

my answer was with the star

I disagreee with you Ms Sue heavily , me personally


The correct answer is: the political power of the South was greatly increased since they were apportioned more representatives.

The correct answer is:

The political power of the South was greatly increased since they were apportioned more representatives.

To understand why this is the correct answer, let's first explain what the three-fifths compromise was. The three-fifths compromise was a provision in the United States Constitution that determined how enslaved individuals would be counted for the purpose of apportioning seats in the House of Representatives.

Under the compromise, enslaved individuals were counted as three-fifths of a person when determining a state's population for representation in Congress. This meant that for every five enslaved individuals, three would be counted in the overall population. This gave the southern states, where slavery was more prevalent, an advantage in terms of representation.

By counting enslaved individuals as part of the population, the southern states were able to increase their representation in the House of Representatives. This, in turn, gave them more political power, as they had a larger number of representatives to advocate for their interests.

So, the direct result of the three-fifths compromise was that the political power of the South was greatly increased since they were apportioned more representatives. This reflects the correct answer.

I disagree.
