What does a business having a "high world demand" mean?

So with this high demand what are the benefits of this?

Sorry I meant Economics

A high world demand means that the commodity is valued by many people around the world. (Think gasoline or cell phones.)

A business sells more of the product if there's a high demand for it.

When a business has a "high world demand," it means that their products or services are in great demand globally. This indicates that there is a significant interest and need for what the business offers in various markets around the world.

The benefits of having a high world demand for a business are as follows:

1. Increased revenue: With high demand, the business has the potential to generate more sales and revenue. This can lead to higher profits and opportunities for growth.

2. Competitive advantage: A business with high world demand has a competitive edge over its competitors. It means that customers prefer their products or services over alternatives in the market, giving them a distinct advantage in attracting and retaining customers.

3. Market expansion: High world demand implies that the business can explore new markets and expand its operations globally. This allows them to tap into new customer bases and diversify their sources of revenue.

4. Economies of scale: As demand increases, businesses may benefit from economies of scale, where they can produce their products in larger quantities, resulting in lower costs per unit. This can improve profit margins and enhance the overall efficiency of the business.

5. Brand recognition and reputation: A high level of demand can lead to increased brand recognition and reputation. When customers from different parts of the world seek out the business's products or services, it builds a positive image and enhances their standing in the market.

To determine if a business has high world demand, one should consider market research, sales data, customer feedback, and industry reports. These sources can provide insights into the global demand for the business's offerings and help assess its potential benefits.