I need to find the error in these sentences. 1. They is both happy. It has a subject and a verb. I'm lost. 2. This morning I watch TV before I drove here. .. need to know are they subject-verb agreement, run- on, verb form and tense or fragment. Please explain so I can understand. Thanks

1. When you have a plural subject, you also need a plural verb form. These are singular forms: I am, you are, he/she/it is. These are plural forms: we are, you are, they are. How will you correct sentence #1?

2. Verb tenses are used to indicate WHEN an action took place. Basically, the tenses are present, past, and future, with some other tenses that are related directly to these. Examples:

present - walk
past - walked
future - will walk

present - write
past - wrote
future - will write

How will you correct #2?

1. Are in replace of is and 2. Watched in past tense instead of watch. I hope I understand now thanks

Good job!

Yes, you did well!!


For the first sentence, "They is both happy," the error is in the subject-verb agreement. The subject "they" is plural, but the verb "is" is singular. To fix this error, you should use the plural form of the verb, which is "are." The corrected sentence would be: "They are both happy."

To identify subject-verb agreement errors, you need to understand that a singular subject requires a singular verb, whereas a plural subject requires a plural verb. In this case, the subject "they" is plural, so the corresponding verb must also be plural.

For the second sentence, "This morning I watch TV before I drove here," there is a verb form and tense error. The verb "watch" is in the base form, but it should be in the past tense to match the past tense form "drove." So, the corrected sentence would be: "This morning, I watched TV before I drove here."

To identify verb form and tense errors, you need to ensure that the verb agrees with the correct tense of the sentence. In this case, since the sentence is referring to actions in the past (this morning and drove), the verb "watch" needs to be changed to its past tense form "watched." This match maintains the correct tense consistency throughout the sentence.

By understanding the different types of errors (subject-verb agreement, run-on, verb form and tense, and fragment) and reviewing grammar rules related to these topics, you can improve your ability to identify and correct errors in sentences.