At 1p.m. I will be feeding the dogs. At the house.

What is your question?

I don't understand what's wrong with this sentence.

Is this sentence is a fragment. Because the second sentence have no meaning. I would put them together to make a complete sentence.

Yes, a complete sentence must have a verb. "At the house" is the fragment.

"At 1 pm I shall (will) be feeding the dogs at the house."



To determine the answer to this question, you need to consider the current time and whether it is already past 1 p.m. If the current time is past 1 p.m., then the feeding of the dogs has already occurred. However, if it is still before 1 p.m., then the feeding of the dogs is yet to happen.

To find out the current time, you can check your watch or any digital device that displays the time, such as a smartphone or computer. Another option is to ask someone nearby who may have the current time.