Robot Game

Consider a robot moving in an environment consisting of 5x5 cells. The robot can either be rotated or moved forward for a certain distance. The environment in which the robot moves is bounded by walls - so if you try to move the robot out of the area it will stop at the grid besides the wall.
Let the lower left grid be 1/1 and the upper right grid be 5/5. The coordinates are given in X/Y form, the X direction is upwards and Y from left to right.
The robot starts in the middle of the field (3/3) with its orientation in positive X direction.
Possible actions for the robot are defined by the numbers 1-5:
1 --> turn clockwise 90 degrees
2 --> turn clockwise 180 degrees
3 --> move 3 grids forward
4 --> move 4 grids forward
5 --> move 5 grids forward

If an illegal command is given (a number different than [1-5]) the command should be ignored.

Write a program that will read 3 commands and print the robots position and orientation after moving according to each command.
Operation1 Operation2 Operation3

Position_X_first_round Position_Y_first_round Orientation_first_round
Position_X_second_round Position_Y_second_round Orientation_second_round
Position_X_third_round Position_Y_third_round Orientation_third_round

For the output let the orientation be defined as 0 for being oriented in positive X direction, 1 for positive Y direction, 2 negative X direction and 3 negative Y direction.

2 5 3

3 3 2
1 3 2
1 3 2

3 1 4

5 3 0
5 3 1
5 5 1

Everyone can help me withis coding...I tried but i won't come out whith the good code...Please help me with this..

Post your code and we can help.

State the language and the make and version of the compiler, if you use any.

Certainly! I can help you with the coding. Let's break down the problem and come up with a solution step by step.

1. Start by initializing the robot's position and orientation variables according to the problem statement.

2. Read the input as three commands.

3. For each command, check if it is a legal command (in the range [1-5]) and perform the corresponding action based on the command.

4. Update the robot's position and orientation variables according to the action taken.

5. After processing all three commands, print the final position and orientation of the robot.

Here's a sample implementation in Python:

# Step 1: Initialize robot's position and orientation
pos_x = 3
pos_y = 3
orientation = 0

# Step 2: Read the input as three commands
commands = input("Enter three commands: ").split()

# Step 3-5: Process the commands and update robot's position and orientation
for command in commands:
if command == '1':
# Rotate clockwise 90 degrees
orientation = (orientation + 1) % 4
elif command == '2':
# Rotate clockwise 180 degrees
orientation = (orientation + 2) % 4
elif command == '3':
# Move 3 grids forward
if orientation == 0:
pos_x = max(pos_x - 3, 1)
elif orientation == 1:
pos_y = min(pos_y + 3, 5)
elif orientation == 2:
pos_x = min(pos_x + 3, 5)
elif orientation == 3:
pos_y = max(pos_y - 3, 1)
elif command == '4':
# Move 4 grids forward
if orientation == 0:
pos_x = max(pos_x - 4, 1)
elif orientation == 1:
pos_y = min(pos_y + 4, 5)
elif orientation == 2:
pos_x = min(pos_x + 4, 5)
elif orientation == 3:
pos_y = max(pos_y - 4, 1)
elif command == '5':
# Move 5 grids forward
if orientation == 0:
pos_x = max(pos_x - 5, 1)
elif orientation == 1:
pos_y = min(pos_y + 5, 5)
elif orientation == 2:
pos_x = min(pos_x + 5, 5)
elif orientation == 3:
pos_y = max(pos_y - 5, 1)

# Step 5: Print the final position and orientation
print(pos_x, pos_y, orientation)

This code should solve the problem as described. Let me know if you have any questions or need further assistance!