where is the web page to translate spanish to english

just go to bing translator

thank you

Or google translate!

Do NOT use a translation site! They never get the "nuances" of a language and will not teach you how to translate!

Please post what you wish to say here and then we can help you with the pitfalls!


To translate Spanish to English, you can use the Google Translate web page. Here's how you can access it:

1. Open a web browser.

2. In the address bar, type "translate.google.com" and press Enter.

3. Once the Google Translate page loads, you'll see two text boxes labeled "Text" on the left and "Translation" on the right.

4. In the left text box, enter or paste the Spanish text that you want to translate.

5. As you type or paste the text, Google Translate will automatically detect the input language as Spanish. If it doesn't detect it correctly, you can manually select "Spanish" from the drop-down menu above the left text box.

6. After entering the Spanish text, the translation will appear in the right text box as you type or immediately after pasting the text.

7. If needed, you can click on the speaker icon below the right text box to listen to the translation.

That's it! You can now use the Google Translate web page to translate Spanish text to English or any other language supported by the tool.