vehicle a averges 14 miles per gallon of gasoline and vehicle b averges 36 miles per gallon of gasoline at these rates how many more gallons of gasoline does vehicle a need then vehicle b to make a 1008-mile trip


To find out how many more gallons of gasoline vehicle A needs compared to vehicle B for a 1008-mile trip, we need to calculate the total number of gallons used by each vehicle.

First, let's calculate the number of gallons vehicle A uses for the trip. The average mileage per gallon is 14 miles. So, for a 1008-mile trip, the number of gallons used by vehicle A can be calculated by dividing the total distance by the average mileage per gallon:

Number of gallons used by vehicle A = 1008 miles / 14 miles per gallon

Similarly, let's calculate the number of gallons vehicle B uses for the same trip. The average mileage per gallon for vehicle B is 36 miles. So, the number of gallons used by vehicle B can be calculated as:

Number of gallons used by vehicle B = 1008 miles / 36 miles per gallon

Now, let's calculate the difference in the number of gallons used by the two vehicles:

Difference in gallons = Number of gallons used by vehicle A - Number of gallons used by vehicle B

Substituting the previously calculated values:

Difference in gallons = (1008 miles / 14 miles per gallon) - (1008 miles / 36 miles per gallon)

Simplifying this equation will give us the answer.