How do you tell whether a table (x,y) represents a linear relationship

12 years and he still hasn't been answered

Right,but the answer is A: x is 0 when y is not 0.

To determine whether a table (x, y) represents a linear relationship, you need to analyze the pattern of the data points. Here's how you can do it:

1. Plot the data points: Create a graph by plotting the x-values on the horizontal axis and the corresponding y-values on the vertical axis.

2. Look for a straight line: Visually examine the graph. If the data points form a straight line, it is an indication of a linear relationship. However, if the points do not fall in a straight line, it suggests a non-linear relationship.

3. Calculate the slope: Calculate the slope (m) of the line that connects any two data points. The slope represents the rate at which the dependent variable (y) changes with respect to the independent variable (x). For a linear relationship, the slope should remain constant across all data points.

- Select two points on the line, (x1, y1) and (x2, y2).
- Use the slope formula: m = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1).
- If the calculated slope is constant for all pairs of points, it suggests a linear relationship. If the slope varies significantly, it indicates a non-linear relationship.

4. Check for a zero intercept: Determine if the line intersects the y-axis at zero (0). If the line goes through the origin (0, 0), it suggests a linear relationship. However, if the line intersects the y-axis at a non-zero value, it indicates a non-linear relationship.

By following these steps, you can determine whether a table (x, y) represents a linear relationship.