The article by Tom Watson and deals with the Negro Question in the New South. What was Watson answer to that question.

What question?

Is this the title of the article? "Negro Question in the New South"

To find out Tom Watson's answer to the Negro Question in the New South, you will need to read the article by Tom Watson that specifically tackles this topic. Since you have mentioned that such an article exists, you can try searching for it using different sources such as online databases, libraries, or websites that provide access to historical documents. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you locate and access the article:

1. Start by gathering information about the article:
- Check if you have any specific details about the article title, publication date, or the journal/newspaper it was published in. This will make your search more targeted.
- If you don't have these details, try searching using broader terms like "Tom Watson article on the Negro Question in the New South" or "Tom Watson writings on race relations in the South." This can help you find relevant sources that mention his work.

2. Utilize online databases and libraries:
- Academic databases like JSTOR, ProQuest, or EBSCOhost provide access to a wide range of scholarly articles and primary sources. Check if you have access to any of these databases, either through a library or an educational institution.
- Use the search function within these databases and enter relevant keywords such as "Tom Watson," "Negro Question," or "New South" to find potential articles or references.

3. Check online archives and historical websites:
- Some websites specialize in historical articles and primary sources. Examples include,, or the Library of Congress website.
- Browse through these platforms and use their search functions to look for articles written by Tom Watson that discuss the Negro Question in the New South.

4. Visit local libraries or university libraries:
- If you have access to a physical library, consider researching there. Librarians can guide you to relevant books, journals, or microfilm collections that include Tom Watson's writings.
- If you are a student, reach out to your university's library services for assistance in locating the article.

By following these steps and utilizing available resources, you should be able to find and access the article written by Tom Watson that addresses the Negro Question in the New South.