I'm having some trouble with a question

how do you find a vector that balances another one


can you deduce something?

so the magnitude will be the same and you have to add 180 degrees to the the original angle right..


To find a vector that balances another vector, you need to determine a vector that has the same magnitude but opposite direction.

Here are the steps to find a vector that balances another vector:

1. Understand the concept of balancing vectors: When two vectors balance each other, their sum results in a vector with zero magnitude. This means that they cancel each other out and have opposite directions.

2. Identify the vector to be balanced: Determine the vector that you want to balance.

3. Calculate the opposite vector: To find a vector that has the opposite direction, negate each component of the original vector. Negating a vector means changing the sign of each of its components.

For example, if you have a vector A = (3, -2, 5), to find a vector that balances A, negate each component to get the opposite vector, which is -A = (-3, 2, -5).

4. Verify the balance: Add the original vector and the opposite vector together. If the resultant vector is equal to zero, then the original vector and its opposite vector balance each other. If not, double-check your calculations.

Keep in mind that vector balancing is applicable in scenarios where two or more forces are acting on an object. By finding the balancing vector, you can determine the force that counters the other force, resulting in equilibrium.