what should i do if i cant so any push ups?

ill look so weak
then people would pick on me
im so scared
what should i do?!?!!?!?!??!

Practice pushups at home.

If you still can't do them, talk with your gym teacher.

Not only should you practice at home, but if you are have that much difficulty then you should being using a modified push-up until you can comfortably perform a push-up. Now by modified I refer to either using the steps on your stair just as you would perform a normal push-up. The higher on the stair the easier it will be and just decrease a step as the get easier. The other way you can do a modified push-up is by getting in a push-up position on the floor and drop your knees so that you knees are touching the floor and perfor a normal puch-up motion. Hopefully this helps you.

I understand that you may feel concerned about not being able to do push-ups and being perceived as weak by others. However, it's important to remember that everyone has different strengths and abilities. Here are a few steps you can take:

1. Start with modified push-ups: Begin by doing push-ups on your knees instead of your toes, which reduces the intensity. This variation allows you to gradually build strength and work your way up to doing full push-ups.

2. Set achievable goals: Start by aiming for a specific number of push-ups that feels manageable for you, even if it's just one or two. As you progress, gradually increase the number of reps you do over time.

3. Practice consistently: Regular practice is key to improving your push-up strength. Include push-up exercises as part of your regular workout routine, and make sure to stay consistent.

4. Seek professional guidance: Consider working with a personal trainer or fitness professional who can provide guidance on correct form and create a tailored workout plan to help you build strength.

5. Focus on overall fitness: Remember that push-ups are just one exercise. Engage in a well-rounded fitness routine that incorporates different exercises for overall strength and fitness. This can help you develop strength in various areas and boost your confidence.

6. Embrace other forms of exercise: If push-ups are particularly challenging for you, explore other activities that can help build overall strength and confidence, such as weightlifting, yoga, or bodyweight exercises.

Remember, it's essential to be patient and kind to yourself throughout the process. Building strength takes time and consistent effort. With practice and perseverance, you can improve and gain confidence in your abilities.