'When you finish the final section of this lesson, you'll write a short research paper. You can choose any subject to research and write about, but you'll want to keep some guidelines in mind. Your subject should be interesting. It should be complex enough that you can do research about it, while not too broad to fit into the scope of a short paper.'

I can' really think of anything..can I get some suggestions?


Here are 150 suggestions.



Of course! I can help provide you with some suggestions for your research paper. When choosing a subject, it's important to consider your personal interests and what you find engaging. Here are a few potential research paper ideas that you can explore:

1. The impacts of social media on mental health: Examine the relationship between social media usage and its effects on mental health, including possible negative consequences such as anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem.

2. The ethical implications of artificial intelligence: Investigate the ethical concerns surrounding the development and use of artificial intelligence, including topics like privacy, bias, and the potential impact on employment.

3. The effects of climate change on biodiversity: Explore the connection between climate change and its impact on various ecosystems and species, examining how changes in temperature and weather patterns affect biodiversity.

4. The influence of media on body image: Analyze how media (e.g., advertising, social media, magazines) shapes societal perceptions of body image, leading to issues such as body dissatisfaction and eating disorders.

5. The role of technology in education: Investigate the benefits and challenges of integrating technology into education, examining how digital tools can enhance learning outcomes and address educational inequalities.

Remember, these suggestions are just starting points, and you can modify and narrow them down according to your interests and the scope of your paper. Consider selecting a topic that not only intrigues you but also allows for sufficient research within the constraints of a short paper. Good luck with your research paper!