6.Given -2i is a root, determine all other roots of x^4-10x^3+42x^2-88x+80.

A. x= +/- 4, 2i
B.x= -2, +/- 4i
C.x= -4, +/- 2
D.x= -4, 2i
E.x= +/- 4, 2

Please help, I do not understand where to begin.

If -2i is a root,then+2i is a root.

so then it is either A or D. Since you know there are 4 roots in a fourth degree polynomial, D does not offer two roots, so A has to be the answer.

Now that I look at A, I do not see how -4 can be a root.

256+640+672+88*4+80 is not a root. Thatmeans neither A nor D is a root. Which means none of the answers are then right.

To find the other roots of the polynomial x^4-10x^3+42x^2-88x+80, we can use the fact that if -2i is a root, then its conjugate, 2i, must also be a root. This means that the polynomial is divisible by the factor (x+2i)(x-2i), which can be further simplified as (x^2+4).

To find the remaining roots, we can use polynomial long division or synthetic division to divide the polynomial x^4-10x^3+42x^2-88x+80 by (x^2+4), which gives us the quotient x^2-10x+20.

Now we need to find the roots of the quadratic equation x^2-10x+20. We can use factoring, completing the square, or the quadratic formula to solve for x. In this case, since we don't have simple factors, we can use the quadratic formula.

The quadratic formula states that for an equation of the form ax^2+bx+c=0, the solutions for x are given by:
x = (-b ± √(b^2-4ac)) / (2a)

Applying this to our quadratic equation x^2-10x+20, we have a=1, b=-10, and c=20. Plugging these values into the quadratic formula, we can solve for x:

x = (-(-10) ± √((-10)^2-4(1)(20))) / (2(1))
x = (10 ± √(100-80)) / 2
x = (10 ± √(20)) / 2
x = (10 ± 2√5) / 2
x = 5 ± √5

Therefore, the remaining roots of the polynomial are x = 5 + √5 and x = 5 - √5.

To summarize, the roots of the polynomial x^4-10x^3+42x^2-88x+80 are:
-2i, 2i, 5 + √5, and 5 - √5.

Comparing these roots to the given options, we can see that the correct answer is E. x= +/- 4, 2.