What is characterization of the Stranger in "War Prayer"?

"CHARACTERIZATION: An author or poet's use of description, dialogue, dialect, and action to create in the reader an emotional or intellectual reaction to a character or to make the character more vivid and realistic. Careful readers note each character's attitude and thoughts, actions and reaction, as well as any language that reveals geographic, social, or cultural background."


Let us know if you still don't know what characterization is. Clearly, only you can write up what YOU SEE as the characterization of this character. Only you can identify what YOU felt or thought as you were learning about any particular character.

To understand the characterization of the Stranger in "War Prayer," it is necessary to analyze the text and extract relevant information about the character. Here's how you can approach it:

1. Read the text: Begin by reading Mark Twain's "War Prayer," paying close attention to the scenes involving the Stranger. Understand the context and main themes of the story.

2. Observe the physical appearance: Describe the Stranger's physical attributes as mentioned in the text. Look for details about their age, clothing, posture, or any other noticeable features.

3. Analyze dialogue and actions: Pay attention to the Stranger's words and actions. Look for clues that reveal their personality, beliefs, and motives. Consider their tone, language, and demeanor while interacting with other characters.

4. Identify character traits: Look for recurring character traits exhibited by the Stranger throughout the story. These traits could include compassion, cynicism, wisdom, or detachment, among others. Identify instances that showcase these traits and note them down.

5. Investigate the role of the Stranger: Consider the purpose and role of the Stranger in the narrative. Analyze how they contribute to the central themes and overall message of the story. Evaluate the impact of their presence on other characters and their actions.

6. Gather evidence: To support your analysis, gather specific quotes or passages from the text that best exemplify the characterization of the Stranger. These examples should demonstrate their personality, beliefs, or their effect on the story.

7. Formulate your analysis: Based on the evidence you gathered, analyze and interpret the characterization of the Stranger. Describe their role in the story, their beliefs and motives, and how they contribute to the overall theme or message of the narrative.

Remember, when analyzing literary characters, it's important to critically examine the text and support your assertions with evidence from the story.