what are these people famous for? like what did they do?:

Henry the navigator
Bartholomeu Dias
hernan cortes
queen isabella
Ferdinand Magellan
Martin Luther
Leif erikson

Google each of these people.

batholomeu dias is an explorer

To understand what each of these historical figures is famous for, let's explore their accomplishments one by one:

1. Henry the Navigator: Infante Henry, Duke of Viseu, known as Henry the Navigator, was a Portuguese prince. While not a sailor himself, Henry sponsored numerous voyages of exploration down the west coast of Africa during the 15th century. His initiatives significantly contributed to advances in nautical and cartographic knowledge, leading to the Age of Discovery.

2. Bartholomeu Dias: Dias was a Portuguese explorer who discovered the Cape of Good Hope in 1488. By successfully navigating around the southernmost tip of Africa, he opened a direct sea route from Europe to Asia, significantly advancing maritime trade.

3. Hernan Cortes: Cortes was a Spanish conquistador famously known for leading the expedition that resulted in the fall of the Aztec Empire in present-day Mexico. His conquest of Tenochtitlan in 1521 enabled Spain to establish the colony of New Spain.

4. Queen Isabella: Queen Isabella I of Castile was a Spanish monarch who, together with her husband Ferdinand II of Aragon, unified the Kingdoms of Castile and Aragon and funded Christopher Columbus' voyages to the New World. The marriage between Isabella and Ferdinand also laid the foundation for the creation of modern Spain.

5. Ferdinand Magellan: Ferdinand Magellan, a Portuguese explorer sailing for Spain, is best remembered for leading the first circumnavigation of the Earth between 1519 and 1522. While Magellan himself perished during the voyage, his crew completed the journey, proving that the world was round.

6. Martin Luther: Martin Luther was a German theologian who initiated the Protestant Reformation in the 16th century. Luther's Ninety-Five Theses, a document criticizing the practices of the Catholic Church, sparked widespread religious and social upheaval, leading to the establishment of various Protestant denominations.

7. Montezuma: Montezuma II was an Aztec emperor who ruled over the Aztec civilization in the early 16th century. He encountered Hernan Cortes and the Spanish conquistadors, resulting in the downfall of the Aztec Empire.

8. Leif Erikson: Leif Erikson was a Norse explorer and is considered one of the first Europeans to have landed in North America, centuries before Christopher Columbus. He is believed to have established a settlement named Vinland, located in present-day Canada.

To further delve into the accomplishments and historical context of these figures, I recommend referring to reputable historical books, documentaries, or online resources to gain a comprehensive understanding of their contributions.