are these right? im suppose to use like terms.

5z + 2(x + 3) - z

dont solve it just simplify it.
please give me a step to step process?

5z + 2(x + 3) - z

4z + 2x + 6

thanks. what about:

-2(-5 - 4n) + 6

Your turn.

I'll check your answer.


or not? you never replied?

Yes, in order to simplify the expression, you need to combine like terms. Here's a step-by-step process to simplify the expression 5z + 2(x + 3) - z:

Step 1: Distribute 2 to the terms inside the parentheses:
5z + 2x + 6 - z

Step 2: Group the like terms together:
(5z - z) + 2x + 6

Step 3: Simplify the like terms:
4z + 2x + 6

So, by combining like terms, the simplified expression is 4z + 2x + 6.