A car is travling forward at 75km/h. How far does the caar tavel in 25 s?

distance = speed x time

convert 25s to hours.

75 km/h(1h/60min)(1 min/60 s)

ignore the previous post.

opps! convert 25s to hours.

(25s)(1 min/60 s)(1h/60min)=___h

(75km/h)(___h)= ? km

To find the distance the car travels in 25 seconds, we can use the formula:

Distance = Speed × Time

First, we need to convert the car's speed from km/h to m/s, as the standard unit for time is seconds. We know that 1 km is equal to 1000 meters, and 1 hour is equal to 3600 seconds. So, to convert from km/h to m/s, we can multiply the speed by (1000/3600) or 0.2778.

So, the speed of the car in m/s is:
75 km/h × 0.2778 = 20.83 m/s.

Now, we can plug in the speed and the given time into the distance formula:

Distance = Speed × Time
Distance = 20.83 m/s × 25 s = 520.75 meters.

Therefore, the car travels a distance of 520.75 meters in 25 seconds.