Is this thesis statement too long for a four page essay? Also, are there any major grammatical errors?

Although a cursory glance at Odysseus on his long journey home may lead to a conclusion that he is motivated by an overwhelming desire to see his wife and family again, a more thorough look at his motives seems to disprove this theory, and suggest rather that it is a matter of pride, and wanting glory and honor.

Oh, my, yes, it's too long!

How can you condense it?

Use the ideas here to help yourself:

To determine if a thesis statement is too long for a four-page essay, count the number of words. The length of a thesis statement can vary depending on the complexity of the topic and the depth of analysis required.

The thesis statement you provided contains 42 words, which is reasonable for a four-page essay. However, keep in mind that the rest of your essay will need to provide evidence and analysis to support this thesis statement. It's important to ensure that you have enough space to develop your arguments within the allotted page limit.

Regarding grammatical errors, the statement appears to be grammatically correct. However, it is always a good practice to revise and proofread your work to check for any potential errors or awkward phrasing.