rewriting this, since it was typed wrong.

In reaching her destination, a backpacker walks with an average velocity of 1.34 m/s, due west. This average velocity results because she hikes for 6.44 km with an average velocity of 2.68 m/s, due west, turns around, and hikes with an average velocity of 0.447m/s, due east. how far EAST did she walk?

answer is neglible.. need steps, ty. (directed to pursley for clarification_)

1.34W*totaltime = displacement

But displacement=6.44- .447*timeeast

total time=timeeast+6.44/2.68

set the dislacements equal

1.34*totaltime=6.44- .447(totaltime-6.44/2.68)

solve for total time, then from that , total east, and finally, distance east=.447*timeeast

check my typing.

how do i solve for total time? 6.44*2.68?

To find the distance the backpacker walked east, we need to first calculate the total distance she walked west, and then subtract it from the total distance she traveled.

Step 1: Calculate the distance she walked west
We are given the average velocity while walking west, the total distance traveled while walking west, and the total time spent walking west. We can use the formula:

Distance = Velocity * Time

Distance walked west = Velocity walked west * Time walked west

Velocity walked west = 2.68 m/s
Time walked west = 6.44 km

We need to convert the time from kilometers to seconds since the velocity is given in meters per second.
1 km = 1000 m
6.44 km = 6.44 * 1000 m = 6440 m

Distance walked west = 2.68 m/s * 6440 m

Step 2: Calculate the distance she walked east
We are given the average velocity while walking east and the total time spent walking east. Using the same formula as before, we can calculate the distance walked east.

Velocity walked east = 0.447 m/s
Time walked east = ?

We need the time walked east to calculate the distance. However, the question does not provide this information. Please double-check the question or refer to the original source to obtain the time walked east.

Once you have the time walked east, you can calculate the distance by multiplying the velocity by the time:

Distance walked east = Velocity walked east * Time walked east

Step 3: Calculate the total distance walked east
To find the total distance walked east (which is our final answer), we subtract the distance walked west from the total distance traveled.

Total distance walked east = Total distance traveled - Distance walked west

Total distance traveled = 6.44 km
Distance walked west = Calculated in Step 1

Finally, substitute the values into the equation:

Total distance walked east = 6.44 km - Distance walked west

Please ensure that you have the accurate information and complete the remaining numerical calculations.