Is there a number "a" such that the limit as x approaches -2, f(x) approaches (3x^2+ax+a+3)/(x^2+x-2) exist?

As x → -2, the denominator approaches zero.

Fo the limit to exist, the numerator must also be zero, which means:
if f(x)=(3x²+ax+a+3)
the f(-2)=0
So solve for a in f(-2)=0, AND check using l'Hôpital's rule that the limit exists for the assumed value of a. You may need to apply l'Hôpital's rule more than once.

I have 3 as the limit.

yes, if a=15

Since the limit exists, both numerator and denominator must have the factor x+2
by synthetic division
(3x^2+ax+a+3) ÷ (x+2) leaves no remainder, so a = 15
then the question becomes
lim (3x^2 + 15x + 18)/(x^2 + x - 2)
x ---> -2
= lim (3(x+2)(x+3)/((x+2)(x-1))
x ---> -2
= lim 3(x+3)/(x-1)
x ---> -2
= 3(1)/(-3) = -1

Thanks Reiny, I took the derivative a second time without checking if both numerator and denominator are zero.

To determine if there exists a number "a" such that the limit as x approaches -2 of the function f(x) exists, we need to evaluate the limit expression.

First, let's simplify the given function expression:
f(x) = (3x^2 + ax + a + 3) / (x^2 + x - 2)

To find the limit as x approaches -2, we substitute -2 for x in the expression:
lim(x->-2) (3x^2 + ax + a + 3) / (x^2 + x - 2)

Substituting -2 into the expression, we get:
lim(x->-2) (3(-2)^2 + a(-2) + a + 3) / ((-2)^2 + (-2) - 2)

Simplifying further:
lim(x->-2) (12 - 2a + a + 3) / (4 - 2 - 2)

lim(x->-2) (12 - 2a + a + 3) / 0

Now, to determine if the limit exists, we need to consider the possibility of the denominator being zero. If we find a value of "a" such that the numerator is not zero and the denominator is zero, we can conclude that the limit does not exist.

However, if we find a value of "a" such that both the numerator and denominator are zero, we have an indeterminate form. In this case, further algebraic manipulation is required to determine the limit.

In the denominator, we have:
4 - 2 - 2 = 0

Since the denominator is zero, let's find the value of "a" that makes the numerator zero as well:

12 - 2a + a + 3 = 0
15 - a = 0
a = 15

Therefore, for a = 15, both the numerator and denominator are zero, resulting in an indeterminate form.

To determine the limit in the case of an indeterminate form, we can apply techniques such as factoring, multiplying by the conjugate, or using L'Hopital's rule.

In summary, for the given function, there exists a number "a" such that the limit as x approaches -2 of f(x) exists when a = 15.