Why? Write a 200- to 300-word response to the following questions based on “Superhero in the Cubicle” in the Electronic Reserve Readings:

o What technological advancements in communication were discussed in the article?
o Choose two communication types and compare and contrast them. How could these be used in your workplace?
o Do these technological advancements in communication follow what is traditionally considered business communication? Why?

To answer your first question, I don't have access to the specific article "Superhero in the Cubicle," as it is not mentioned in the question. However, I can provide you with a general approach to finding the information you need.

1. Access the Electronic Reserve Readings: First, locate and access the Electronic Reserve Readings in your specific academic institution's library or online platform. This can usually be found on your university's website or through your library's online catalogue.

2. Search for the Article: Once you have accessed the correct platform, search for the title "Superhero in the Cubicle." You can search by the title, author, or keywords related to the topic discussed in the article.

3. Read the Article: After locating the article, read it carefully and take note of the technological advancements in communication that are discussed. Pay attention to any specific technologies or concepts mentioned and how they are described or explained in the article.

Now, moving on to your second question regarding comparing and contrasting two communication types and their potential use in the workplace, I will provide a general explanation without referencing the specific article.

Communication Types:

1. Email: Email is a highly versatile and widely-used communication tool in the workplace. It allows for formal and structured written communication, making it suitable for exchanging detailed information, providing instructions, or sharing documents. Email also provides a record of communication, making it useful for future reference.

2. Instant Messaging: Instant messaging platforms such as Slack or Microsoft Teams facilitate real-time communication and quick information exchange. Unlike emails, instant messaging is more informal and often used for quick questions, updates, or brainstorming sessions. It promotes collaboration, team building, and fosters a sense of community within the workplace.

Benefits and Use in the Workplace:

Both email and instant messaging have their own advantages and contexts in which they are most effective. Email is ideal for professional and longer-form communication, while instant messaging is suitable for quick, informal, and real-time conversations.

In the workplace, email can be used for sending formal notifications, sharing important documents, or communicating with clients. Instant messaging, on the other hand, can be utilized for team collaboration, brainstorming sessions, or for quick updates between colleagues.

Regarding your third question on whether these technological advancements in communication follow traditional business communication, it would depend on how they are implemented and used within an organization. While email has been a longstanding communication tool in the business world, instant messaging is a more recent addition. However, with the increasing need for real-time collaboration, instant messaging has become a valuable part of modern business communication.

In conclusion, to fully address the questions based on the specific article "Superhero in the Cubicle," it is recommended to access the article itself through the Electronic Reserve Readings provided by your institution and follow the steps explained above.