You can use functions to figure how much money you earn in a day..if you work "x" hours in a day and you make $"y" in a day.

So let's say that you work 5 hours in a day and you make $9 an hour
9x5=40 would this be the right way of working this problem out

no, just y = 9 x

y = 9 * 5
y = 45 (not 40 by the way)

Thank you I met 45

Yes, you are on the right track! To calculate how much money you earn in a day, you can use a function with two variables. In this case, "x" represents the number of hours you work in a day, and "y" represents the amount of money you earn in a day.

The equation you have written is y = 5x + 9, which is a correct representation of the problem. It means that your earnings, "y", are equal to 5 times the number of hours you work, "x", plus an additional $9.

To find out how much money you would earn if you work 5 hours a day, you substitute x = 5 into the equation and solve for y:
y = 5(5) + 9
y = 25 + 9
y = 34

So, if you work 5 hours a day and make $9 per hour, you would earn $34 in that day.

In your last step, 9 multiplied by 5 is 45, not 40. Therefore, the correct answer would be $45, not $40.