what are examples of "sacred cows" in the U.S. today need some new ideas I already have the dollar.

Statue of Liberty

Fourth of July
9/11 and Ground Zero
free enterprise
Liberty Bell

and the flag

To find examples of "sacred cows" in the U.S. today, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by identifying topics or institutions that are widely regarded as untouchable or beyond criticism in American society.
2. Look for areas where there is significant public resistance to change, or where any discussion of potential reforms is met with strong opposition.
3. Consider sectors that have traditionally enjoyed special privileges or protections, making them difficult to challenge or reform.

Here are a few additional examples of "sacred cows" in the U.S. today, beyond the dollar:

1. Social Security: The social security system, providing retirement and disability benefits, is generally regarded as a sacred cow due to its importance for senior citizens and people with disabilities. Any proposed changes to the system often face significant pushback.
2. Second Amendment: The right to bear arms, protected by the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, is highly revered and fiercely protected by many Americans. Attempts to enact gun control measures can face strong resistance.
3. Healthcare industry: The healthcare industry in the U.S., including private health insurance providers, pharmaceutical companies, and hospital systems, is often seen as a sacred cow. Any attempts to reform the system are often met with opposition and complex political challenges.
4. American exceptionalism: The belief in American exceptionalism, the idea that the United States is unique and superior to other nations, is deeply ingrained in American culture. Any criticism or questioning of this notion can be met with strong patriotic sentiments.

Remember, the concept of "sacred cows" can vary from person to person, and these examples may not apply universally. It's always a good idea to conduct further research and engage in open discussions to understand different perspectives on the topic.