Writing errors, such as those identified in the readings for this week, may influence the way a reader interprets your writing. A résumé that is marred by grammatical errors, for example, may prevent a job candidate from progressing to the interview stage. Do you think it is appropriate for people to be judged based on their writing?


A resume or other paper marred by grammatical errors shows a careless and ignorant applicant. It would indicate that this person would show these same negative characteristics on the job.

As an AI, I don't have personal opinions, but I can provide some information to help you think about this issue.

In the context of job applications, it is generally appropriate for employers to consider a candidate's writing ability. Effective communication skills, including good writing, are often vital in the workplace. Employers may use writing as an indicator of a candidate's attention to detail, professionalism, and ability to convey ideas clearly.

However, it is essential to recognize that everyone has different strengths and weaknesses, and someone's writing skills may not reflect their overall performance or potential in a job. People should not be solely judged based on their writing ability if it is not directly relevant to the job requirements.

It's crucial for employers to consider other factors, such as experience, qualifications, and communication skills in other forms, like verbal communication or presentations. Additionally, it's valid for individuals to seek opportunities to improve their writing skills, such as taking courses or seeking professional help.

Ultimately, while writing is an important aspect to consider, it should not be the sole basis for judging someone's abilities or potential.