Please check this paragraph

The title is the first clue that this will be a tall tale. But Lucian’s fantasy explores not only outer space, but also the Elysian Fields, the geography of the Odyssey, and the interior of a giant whale. The title is opposite of the story “A true story” mean not true at all. Lucian admit that how much he is lying and said “one and only truth you‘ll hear from me is that I am lying” (1100). The true story is written in prose. Lucian writes his story "modern" fictional themes. This is considered one of the first, if not the first, Science Fiction story, written around 160 ad.

Read these out loud. What do you HEAR that obviously needs fixing?

The title is opposite of the story “A true story” mean not true at all.

Lucian admit

Lucian admit that how much

said “one and only ...

one of the first ... Science Fiction story

written around 160 ad.

The paragraph you provided contains several statements that need to be checked. Here is a step-by-step analysis of each statement:

1. "The title is the first clue that this will be a tall tale."
- This statement suggests that the title of the story indicates that it is a tall tale. To verify this, we need to identify the actual title and determine if it implies a tall tale.

2. "Lucian’s fantasy explores outer space, the Elysian Fields, the geography of the Odyssey, and the interior of a giant whale."
- This statement claims that Lucian's fantasy explores multiple settings, including outer space, the Elysian Fields, the geography of the Odyssey, and the interior of a giant whale. To verify this, we need to assess the content of Lucian's work or refer to reliable sources.

3. "The title is opposite of the story 'A true story' mean not true at all."
- This statement suggests that the title of the story, "A true story," is intended to convey the opposite of what the story actually is. To confirm this, we need to examine the title and assess its relevance to the content of the story.

4. "Lucian admits that he is lying and says 'the one and only truth you'll hear from me is that I am lying' (1100)."
- This statement claims that Lucian explicitly acknowledges his own deceit in his writing. To verify this, we need to examine the source referenced (1100) and verify the context of this quote.

5. "The true story is written in prose."
- This statement implies that the true story, referred to earlier, is written in prose. To confirm this, we need to examine the text and identify if the true story is indeed written in prose.

6. "Lucian writes his story with 'modern' fictional themes."
- This statement asserts that Lucian incorporates "modern" fictional themes into his story. To verify this, we need to analyze the content of Lucian's work and determine the presence of such themes.

7. "This is considered one of the first, if not the first, Science Fiction story, written around 160 AD."
- This statement suggests that the story is considered one of the earliest, if not the earliest, works of science fiction, written around 160 AD. To confirm this, we need to consult reputable sources on the history and origins of science fiction literature.

By following these steps, we can assess the accuracy of each statement in the paragraph.

The paragraph seems to be discussing a story by Lucian, which is identified as a tall tale and involves elements of fantasy and exploration of various settings. The paragraph also mentions that the title of the story, "A true story," is ironic and implies that the story is not true at all. Lucian himself acknowledges the falsehoods in his narrative, stating that the only truth he presents is that he is lying. The story is written in prose and incorporates fictional themes considered to be part of the early science fiction genre. It is believed to be one of the earliest science fiction stories, dating back to around 160 AD.

To verify the information in this paragraph, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the title and author of the story mentioned. In this case, the story is titled "A true story," and the author is Lucian.

2. Research the background and genre of the story. Look for sources that discuss Lucian's work and his usage of tall tales, fantasy elements, and exploration of various settings.

3. Analyze the statement that the title is ironic and contradicts the story's truthfulness. Look for evidence within the story or literary criticism that supports this claim.

4. Investigate Lucian's acknowledgement of lying in the story. Find the specific passage or citation mentioned as "one and only truth you'll hear from me is that I am lying" (1100 AD). It might be helpful to search for the full quote in context to fully understand its meaning.

5. Verify the claim that the story is considered one of the first science fiction stories, potentially the earliest, written around 160 AD. Look for scholarly articles, literary analysis, or historical references that support this assertion.

By following these steps, you can gain a deeper understanding of the paragraph's content and verify the information provided.