Richard is driving home to visit his parents. 125 of the trip are on the interstate highway where the speed limit is 65 . Normally Richard drives at the speed limit, but today he is running late and decides to take his chances by driving at 70. How many min does she save?

125/65 - 125/70 = ___ hours

Concert that to minutes

8.2 minutes

I meant convert


i got 11.22 but i could be wrong

8.4 min

To calculate how many minutes Richard saves by driving at a higher speed, we need to compare the time it takes to drive at the speed limit with the time it takes to drive at the higher speed.

First, let's calculate the time it takes to drive at the speed limit of 65 mph. We can use the formula: time = distance / speed.

The distance Richard drives on the interstate is given as 125 miles, and the speed limit is 65 mph.

So, the time it takes to drive at the speed limit is:
time = 125 miles / 65 mph = 1.923 hours.

Now, let's calculate the time it takes to drive at 70 mph. Using the same formula, we get:
time = 125 miles / 70 mph = 1.786 hours.

To find the time saved, we subtract the time it takes to drive at 70 mph from the time it takes to drive at the speed limit:
time saved = time at speed limit - time at 70 mph = 1.923 hours - 1.786 hours = 0.137 hours.

To convert this time into minutes, we multiply it by 60 (since there are 60 minutes in an hour):
time saved in minutes = 0.137 hours * 60 minutes/hour = 8.22 minutes.

Therefore, Richard saves approximately 8.22 minutes by driving at 70 mph instead of the speed limit of 65 mph.