The most reactive group of the nonmetal are the?


The most reactive group of nonmetals is the halogens. To arrive at this answer, one can refer to the periodic table and observe the properties of different nonmetal groups.

Step 1: Identify nonmetals on the periodic table
Nonmetals are located on the right side of the periodic table.

Step 2: Identify different groups of nonmetals
Nonmetals are grouped into different columns or groups. The main nonmetal groups are oxygen group (Group 16 or VIA), nitrogen group (Group 15 or VA), carbon group (Group 14 or IVA), and the halogens (Group 17 or VIIA).

Step 3: Compare reactivity
Reactivity is a measure of how easily an element can form compounds or undergo chemical reactions. The halogens, specifically fluorine (F), chlorine (Cl), bromine (Br), and iodine (I), are known to be highly reactive nonmetals. They readily react with metals and other elements to form ionic compounds.

Step 4: Conclusion
By comparing the reactivity of nonmetal groups, it is evident that the halogens (Group 17 or VIIA) are the most reactive group of nonmetals.

Therefore, the answer to the question is: The most reactive group of nonmetals is the halogens.