factor each polynomial


Note that it is the difference of two squares: the squares of 6p and 7q.

That should give you a clue.

Also recall that a^2 - b^2 = (a+b)(a-b)

Drwls- Unfortunately your hints do not help as I have no clue how to even start the problem. Please do the problem and then maybe I will understand.

(6p)^2 - (7q)^2

factor it as drwls showed.

To factor the polynomial 36p^2 - 49q^2, we can use the difference of squares formula.

The difference of squares formula states that for any two terms A and B,

A^2 - B^2 = (A + B)(A - B)

In this case, A = 6p and B = 7q.

So, applying the difference of squares formula, we have:

36p^2 - 49q^2 = (6p + 7q)(6p - 7q)

Therefore, the factored form of the polynomial 36p^2 - 49q^2 is (6p + 7q)(6p - 7q).