We will be seeing it on our field trip to Philadelphia. Would the complete predicate be will be seeing it on our field trip to Philadelphia and the verb be will be seeing?

Yes -- correct on both! Nice!

Yes, in the given sentence "We will be seeing it on our field trip to Philadelphia," the complete predicate is "will be seeing it on our field trip to Philadelphia." The main verb in this complete predicate is "will be seeing," indicating an action that will take place in the future.

To identify the complete predicate, it is crucial to locate the verb first. In this case, the verb is "seeing," which forms part of a verb phrase with the helping verb "will be." The helping verb "will be" indicates future tense and continuous aspect.

To identify the complete predicate in a sentence, follow these steps:

1. Locate the subject: In this case, the subject is "We."
2. Identify the verb: Locate the main verb or verb phrase. Here, the verb is "will be seeing."
3. Determine any additional elements: Look for any other words or phrases that are connected to the verb and complete the predicate. In this sentence, "it on our field trip to Philadelphia" provides additional information and forms part of the complete predicate.

By following these steps, you can identify the complete predicate in a sentence and understand the role of each word within it.