4 digit number. numeral in tens place 3 times the numeral in hundreds place. numeral in my ones place is 2 more than numeral in hundreds place. numeral in thousands place is 3 less than number in tens place. number in hundreds place is 3. what is number?

you are given the hundreds place is 3

Fill in the rest according to the given information

yep got it now--6395


To find the four-digit number described, let's go step by step:

1. The numeral in the hundreds place is given as 3. So, we have _ _ 3 _.

2. The numeral in the tens place is 3 times the numeral in the hundreds place. Since the hundreds place is 3, the tens place would be 3 * 3 = 9. Our number now looks like _ 9 3 _.

3. The numeral in the ones place is 2 more than the numeral in the hundreds place. Since the hundreds place is 3, the ones place would be 3 + 2 = 5. Our number now looks like _ 9 3 5.

4. The numeral in the thousands place is 3 less than the numeral in the tens place. Since the tens place is 9, the thousands place would be 9 - 3 = 6. Our final number is 6 9 3 5.

Therefore, the four-digit number described is 6935.