Does this mean that we are allowed to copy this image and paste it somewhere else?

This image may be subject to copyright.

The copyrighted image can't be used to make you money. However, you can probably use it for a school project.

Copyright means that the owner of the picture has all rights to it. If you use it for a school project, be sure to give all of the information -- like the photographer -- about it.

Yeah, but I mean to say that I want to take that image from google and post it onto wikipedia because the picture that wikipedia has is old, so I want to replace a new one with that.

Check with the adminstrators of Wikipedia.

No, it does not necessarily mean that you are allowed to copy and paste the image somewhere else. The statement "This image may be subject to copyright" indicates that the image might be protected by copyright, which grants the creator of the image exclusive rights to control its reproduction and distribution.

To determine whether you are allowed to copy and paste the image, you need to consider the copyright status of the image and any applicable permissions or licenses. Here is how you can find more information:

1. Check for copyright notice: Look for any indication of copyright on or near the image. This may include the symbol ©, the word "copyright," or a statement indicating the rights holder.

2. Investigate the source: If the image is found online, look for information about the copyright or licensing terms on the website where you found it. The website may provide usage guidelines or specify if the image is free to use under certain conditions.

3. Use reverse image search: You can conduct a reverse image search using a search engine like Google. Upload the image or provide its URL to see where else it appears online. This may help you find the original source or information about its copyright status.

4. Contact the rights holder: If you are unable to determine the copyright status, reach out to the rights holder of the image. This could be the creator of the image, the website where you found it, or an entity that holds the copyright.

Keep in mind that even if you cannot find any copyright information or receive explicit permission, it is generally safer to assume that an image is protected by copyright and refrain from copying or using it without authorization.