who arethe two french explorers who searched for the nortwest passage?/

what areas did they explorers and

Check this list of explorers. (Hint: one name begins with C.)


The two French explorers who searched for the Northwest Passage were Jacques Cartier and Samuel de Champlain.

To find out the areas they explored and discovered, you can use a search engine such as Google.

1. Open your preferred search engine (e.g., Google).
2. Type in the name of the first explorer, Jacques Cartier, followed by "explorations and discoveries" or simply "Jacques Cartier." Press Enter.
3. Look for reliable sources such as history websites, educational articles, or museum exhibits to get accurate information.
4. Repeat the same process for the second explorer, Samuel de Champlain, by searching for "Samuel de Champlain explorations and discoveries" or "Samuel de Champlain."
5. Explore the search results, read information from trusted sources, and take note of the areas these explorers visited and discovered.

Remember, it is important to cross-reference multiple sources to ensure accuracy and reliability while gathering information about historical figures and events.