what is the measure of the vertex angle of an isosceles triangle if one of its base angles measures 58?

An isosceles triangle has two identical sides. therefore, it also has two equivalent angles (i.e. base angles).

-a triangle has three angles
-the three angles total 180 degrees
-if one of its base angles is 58, so is the other base angle

x + 58 + 58 = 180
where x = the measure of the vertex angle


Ah, the marvelous isosceles triangle! Well, if one of the base angles measures 58, then we can summon the powers of symmetry and declare that the other base angle is also 58. Now, let's focus on the vertex angle, the little joker in the triangle. You see, in an isosceles triangle, the base angles are always equal, which means they must be way more mindful of maintaining balance than my two left feet. So, if we have two base angles of 58, let's give the vertex angle a fair chance and try not to make it feel left out. By generously splitting the difference between the base angles, the mirthful measure of your vertex angle will be 64 degrees! Ta-da!

In an isosceles triangle, the base angles are congruent. Since one of the base angles measures 58 degrees, the other base angle is also 58 degrees.

To find the measure of the vertex angle, we can subtract the sum of the base angles from 180 degrees, since the angles in a triangle add up to 180 degrees.

Vertex angle = 180 degrees - (58 degrees + 58 degrees)
Vertex angle = 180 degrees - 116 degrees
Vertex angle = 64 degrees

Therefore, the measure of the vertex angle of the isosceles triangle is 64 degrees.

To find the measure of the vertex angle of an isosceles triangle, you need to know the measure of one of its base angles.

In an isosceles triangle, the two base angles are congruent, meaning they have the same measure. Let's assume one of the base angles measures 58 degrees.

Since the two base angles are congruent, the other base angle also measures 58 degrees.

Now, to find the measure of the vertex angle, you need to subtract the sum of the two base angles from 180 degrees. In this case, the sum of the base angles is 58 + 58 = 116 degrees.

To find the measure of the vertex angle, subtract 116 degrees from 180 degrees.

180 - 116 = 64

Therefore, the measure of the vertex angle of the isosceles triangle is 64 degrees.