I am trying to find a pattern in these numbers. I have looked for what feels like hours, and can't find it.


-3 x -3 = -9 -9 +5 =-14 -14 x-3 =

-42 -42 + 5 = -47 -47 x -3 =

the next series would be

-141 + -5 = -146
-146 x -3 = -438

Finding patterns in a sequence of numbers can sometimes be challenging, but there are a few strategies you can use to help you uncover the pattern. Here's how you can approach it:

1. Look for differences or ratios between consecutive terms: Start by examining the gaps between each pair of consecutive terms. Calculate the differences or ratios to see if there is a consistent pattern. Let's calculate the differences between consecutive terms in your sequence:

-9 - (-3) = -6
-14 - (-9) = -5
-42 - (-14) = -28
-47 - (-42) = -5
-141 - (-47) = -94

2. Analyze the patterns in the differences: Now, let's look at the differences we just calculated: -6, -5, -28, -5, -94.

From a quick glance, you may notice two patterns emerging: -6 and -28 seem to be related, and -5 and -94 seem to be related.

Let's calculate the differences between these differences to see if that reveals any additional patterns:

-5 - (-6) = 1
-94 - (-5) = -89

3. Determine if the differences form a pattern: Now that we have calculated the differences between differences, we have 1 and -89. These values don't seem to exhibit an obvious pattern.

At this point, based on the calculations we've done, it doesn't seem like the differences or ratios between consecutive terms are following a straightforward pattern. However, it's essential to note that sometimes patterns can be more complex and non-obvious.

If you have any additional context or information about the sequence, that could provide a clue about the pattern you're looking for. Additionally, if this is part of a larger problem or mathematical concept, understanding the context could guide you in finding a solution.