18x^2 minus x minus 4 simplified.

18x^2 - x - 4

Factor using A*C Method:
A * C = 18 * -4 = -72 = 8 * -9,
18X^2 + (8x-9x) - 4,
Group the 4 terms into factorable
(18x^2 - 9x) + (8x - 4)
Factor 9x from the 1st pair and 4
from the 2nd pair:
9x(2x - 1) + 4(2x - 1),
Factor (2x - 1) from each term:
(2x - 1) (9x + 4).


To simplify the expression 18x^2 - x - 4, we can combine like terms if possible. However, there are no like terms in this expression, so we cannot simplify it any further by combining terms.

Therefore, the simplified form of 18x^2 - x - 4 is just itself.