
Do you want to simplify this?

4[(2(-5x+y)-y]-10(y-4x) = 4(-10x+2y-y) -10y -40x = -40x + 8y - 4y -10y -40x = -80x -6y

To simplify the given expression, you need to use the distributive property and follow the order of operations (PEMDAS/BODMAS). Here's the step-by-step process:

1. Start by resolving the innermost parentheses. Begin with the expression inside the square brackets:
2(-5x+y) - y

2. Multiply 2 with each term inside the parentheses:
-10x + 2y - y

3. Combine like terms:
-10x + y

4. Substitute the simplified expression back into the original expression:
4[-10x + y] - 10(y - 4x)

5. Apply the distributive property by multiplying each term inside the square brackets by 4:
-40x + 4y - 10(y - 4x)

6. Continue simplifying by distributing the -10 to the terms in parentheses:
-40x + 4y - 10y + 40x

7. Combine like terms:
(-40x + 40x) + 4y - 10y

8. Simplify further:
0 + 4y - 10y

9. Combine like terms:

Therefore, the simplified expression is -6y.