I'm completely confused on how to solve this problem.

Convert 125 hp-hr/long ton to kW-s/kg.

To convert from hp-hr/long ton to kW-s/kg, we need to follow a series of conversion steps.

First, let's break down the units and figure out the individual conversions needed:

1. "hp" is horsepower, a unit of power.
2. "hr" is hour, a unit of time.
3. "ton" is a unit of mass.

To convert horsepower (hp) to kilowatts (kW), we need to use the conversion factor of 1 hp = 0.7457 kW.

To convert hours (hr) to seconds (s), we need to multiply by 3600 since there are 3600 seconds in an hour.

To convert tons to kilograms, we need to multiply by 1016.047, as 1 ton (short ton) is equal to 1016.047 kilograms.

Now, let's perform the conversions step by step:

1. Convert hp to kW.
125 hp * 0.7457 kW/hp = 93.2125 kW.

2. Convert hours to seconds.
1 hr * 3600 s/hr = 3600 s.

3. Convert tons to kilograms.
1 ton * 1016.047 kg/ton = 1016.047 kg.

Now that we have converted each component, we can put it all together:

93.2125 kW * 3600 s / 1016.047 kg = 330.002 kW-s/kg.

Therefore, 125 hp-hr/long ton is equal to 330.002 kW-s/kg.