which variable is the dependent variable?

ooh and why?

Not only didn't you post your subject, you also didn't post the entire question. We can't help you without sufficient information.

To determine which variable is the dependent variable in a given context, follow these steps:

1. Identify the variables: Start by identifying the different variables involved in the scenario or experiment you are analyzing. Variables are factors that can vary or change.

2. Consider the relationship: Next, examine the relationship between the variables. Determine whether changes in one variable correspond to or are influenced by changes in another variable.

3. Causal relationship: If one variable is causing or impacting changes in another variable, the affected variable is the dependent variable. It is the one being influenced or affected by the independent variable.

For example, let's consider an experiment about studying time and test scores. The independent variable could be the amount of time spent studying, while the dependent variable could be the test scores obtained.

In this case, changes or variations in the amount of time spent studying would likely impact the test scores obtained. Therefore, the dependent variable is the test scores, as they are dependent on or influenced by the independent variable of studying time.