A car travels in a straight line with an average velocity of 85 km/h for 2.5 h and then with an average velocity of 30 km/h for 1.5 h.

(a) What is the total displacement for the 4 h trip?
_____________________ km
(b) What is the average velocity for the total trip?
_____________________ km/h

I don't even know where to start please help me :) thankk youuuuuu


On the first, do it in two parts, then add.
On the second, avg velocity= totaldistanc/totaltime.

For a)85(2.5)+30(1.5)=257.5

No worries! I'm here to help you. Let's break down each part of the problem and find the answers step by step.

(a) To find the total displacement for the 4-hour trip, we first need to find the individual displacements for each part of the trip.

For the first part of the trip, the car travels at an average velocity of 85 km/h for 2.5 hours. We can calculate the displacement for this part by multiplying the average velocity by the time traveled:

Displacement1 = Average Velocity1 x Time1

Displacement1 = 85 km/h x 2.5 h = 212.5 km

For the second part of the trip, the car travels at an average velocity of 30 km/h for 1.5 hours. Similarly, we can calculate the displacement for this part:

Displacement2 = Average Velocity2 x Time2

Displacement2 = 30 km/h x 1.5 h = 45 km

Now, to find the total displacement, we add the individual displacements together:

Total Displacement = Displacement1 + Displacement2

Total Displacement = 212.5 km + 45 km = 257.5 km

Therefore, the total displacement for the 4-hour trip is 257.5 km.

(b) To find the average velocity for the total trip, we need to calculate the total displacement (which we found in part (a)) and divide it by the total time traveled.

Total Average Velocity = Total Displacement / Total Time

Total Average Velocity = 257.5 km / 4 h

Total Average Velocity = 64.375 km/h

Therefore, the average velocity for the total trip is approximately 64.375 km/h.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.