How did columbus attempt to appease the increasingly discontent settelrs in hispaniola

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To understand how Columbus attempted to appease the discontent settlers in Hispaniola, we need to look at historical records and accounts of his actions during that time. Here's how you can find the answer:

1. Start by researching primary sources: Look for historical documents, letters, diaries, or other firsthand accounts written by Columbus or his contemporaries. These sources will provide insights into Columbus' actions and intentions regarding the settlers in Hispaniola.

2. Analyze Columbus' correspondence: Columbus frequently wrote letters to the Spanish monarchy and other officials, often discussing the issues he faced in Hispaniola. By studying these letters, you can gain a deeper understanding of his attempts to address the settlers' discontent.

3. Examine Columbus' actions: Read about the policies Columbus implemented in Hispaniola. For example, Columbus introduced the encomienda system, which granted settlers the right to use indigenous people as laborers. Assess how these policies were perceived by the settlers and whether they demonstrated an effort to appease them.

4. Consult secondary sources: Find reputable historical accounts or scholarly articles that discuss Columbus' interactions with the settlers in Hispaniola. These sources often provide analysis and interpretations based on the primary sources, offering you a well-rounded understanding of the situation.

Keep in mind that different historians may present different perspectives on Columbus' attempts to appease the settlers in Hispaniola. Evaluating multiple sources will help you form a more comprehensive view of the topic.